1.) "You know the codes, if you want her you must challenge for her and meet me with the weapon of my choice" 2.)One who has shed your blood, or who's blood you you have shed, becomes your swordbrother, unless you formally repudiate the blood on your weapons.
3.) "I am of the caste of warriors, and it is in our code that the only death for for a man is in battle."
4.)"Be strong and do as you will, the swords of others will set your limits."
5.)"Within the circle of each mans sword arm, therin is each man a Ubar."
6.) "Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it, he purchases what pleases him"
7.)I would not have thought Sarus of Tyros would have used poisened steel," I said. Such a device, like the poisened arrow, was not only against the codes of the warriors, but, generally, was regarded as unworthy of men. Poison was regarded as a womans weapon.
8.)"The 97th Aphorism in the Codes I was taught," I said, "is in the form of a riddle: "What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds?" "And the answer?" inquired Labienus. "That which is silent but deafens thunder."
The men regarded one another.
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"The same." said I, "as that which depresses no scale but is weightier than gold."
"And what is that?" asked Labienus.
"Honor" I said.
"He is of the Warriors," said a man.
9.) Let none who are not of the scarlet caste know of these things. The Codes are as the dust of diamonds in a hidden vault, which, exposed to the winds, will be scattered and trodden beneath the sandals of men and the hooves of beasts... worthless forevermore.
10.)"I can force you to take me," she said.
"How?" I asked.
"Like this," she responded, kneeling before me, lowering her head and lifting her arms, the wrists crossed. She laughed. "Now you must take me with you or slay me."
I cursed her, for she took unfair advantage of the Warrior Codes of Gor."
11.)"Warriors, it is said in the codes, have a common Home Stone. Its name is battle."
12.) "The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
13.)"Even warriors long sometimes for the sight of their own flags, atop friendly walls, for the courtyards of their keeps, for the hearths of their halls. Thus admit the Codes."
14.)"Have you raised your arm against me?"I asked.(to raise your sword against a warrior is to issue a challenge)
I released his arm, and he staggered back. Then he slung his shield on his arm, and unsheathed the blade slung at his left hip.
"What is going on!" demanded the woman."Be silent foolish woman," said the captain. She cried out with rage. But what did she know of the codes?
15.)"You have lifted a weapon against me," he said. "My codes permit me to kill you."
16.) "Could it be that I had, as the Codes of my Caste recommended, not even considered her, but merely regarded her as a rightless animal, no more than a subject beast, an abject instrument to my interests and pleasures, a slave?"
17.)The Code of the Warrior is, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh, but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse then live by such a code.
18.)"`I am a warrior,' said the young man proudly. Kamchak signaled the archers and they came forward, their arrows trained on the young man. He then threw, one after another, a dozen bags of gold to the floor. `Save your gold, Tuchuk sleen,' said the young man. `I am a warrior and I know my codes.'"
19.) "And then, angrily, loftily, she walked to the deck before me and then, movement by movement, to my fury, knelt before me, back on her heels, head down, arms extended, wrists crossed, as though for binding. `You are a fool!' I told her. She lifted her head, and smiled. `You may simply leave me here if you wish,' she said. `It is not in the codes,' I said. `I thought,' said she, `that you no longer kept the codes.' ...`I do not want you!' I said. `Then slay me,' she said.'"
20.)`You are a monster, Captain,' he laughed. `I am of the warriors,' I said. `I know your sort,' he said. `It is the fight you relish. What a wicked sort you are, and yet how useful!' I shrugged. `You see a fight you want, you take it,' he said, `You see a woman you like, you take her.' `Perhaps if she pleased me,' I said. `You would do as you wished,' he said. `Of course,' I said. `Warrior!' said he. `Yes, Warrior,' I said."
21.)"`Flee!' she said. `I am of the Warriors,' I said. `But you may die,' she said. `That is acknowledged in the codes,' I said. `What are the codes?' she asked. `They are nothing and, and everything,' I said. `They are a bit of noise, and the steel of the heart. They are meaningless, and all significant. They are the difference. Without the codes men would be Kurii.' `Kurii?' she asked. `Beasts, such as ice beasts, and worse,' I said. `Beasts such as the face you saw in the sky.' `You need not keep the codes,' she said. `I once betrayed my codes,' I said. `It is not my intention to do so again.' I looked at her. `One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand.' `None would know know if you betrayed the codes,' she said. `I would know,' I said, `and I am of the Warriors.' `What is it to be a warrior?' she asked. `It is to keep the codes,' I said. `You may think that to be a warrior is to be large, or strong, and to be skilled with weapons, to have a blade at your hip, to know the grasp of the spear, to wear the scarlet, to know the fitting of the iron helm upon one's countenance, but these are things are not truly needful; they are not, truely what makes one man a warrior and another not. Many men are strong, and large, and skilled with weapons. Any man might, if he dared, don the scarlet and gird himself with weapons. Any man might place upon his brow the helm of iron. But it is not the scarlet, not the steel, not the helm which makes a warrior.' She looked at me. `It is the codes,' I said. `Abandon your codes,' she said. `One does not speak to slaves of the codes,' I said.
22.)"I had been so much a fool as to be sad. That is not the mood in which to enter battle, even the battle which one knows one cannot win, even the ultimate battle in which knows one is doomed to defeat. Do not be sad. Better to take the field with laughter, with a joke, with a light heart, with a buoyant heart, or to go forward with sterness, or in fury, or with hatred, or defiance, or calculation, but never with self pity, never with sadness. Never such things, never them! The warrior does not kill himself or aid others in the doing of it. It is not in the codes."
23.)"`No,' he said. `I do not keep you because of the gold. I am of the scarlet caste. I am of the warriors. I could cast the gold away, as a gesture.'"
24.)"It was lonely here. Yet such times are good in the life of a Warrior, times to be alone, to think. He who cannot think is not a man, so saith the codes. Yet neither, too, they continue, is he who can only think."
25.)"...in most cities, on the other hand, a free woman may, with legal tolerance, submit herself as a slave to a specific man. If he refuses her, she is then still free. If he accepts her, she is then, categorically, a slave, and he may do with her what he pleases, even selling her or giving her away, or slaying her, if he wishes. Here we may note a distinction between laws and codes. In the codes of the warriors, if a warrior accepts a woman as a slave, it is prescribed that, at least for a time, an amount of time up to his discretion, she be spared. If she should be the least displeasing, of course, or should prove recalcitrant in even a tiny way, she may be immediately disposed of. It should be noted that this does place a legal obligation on the warrior. It has to do, rather, with the proprieties of the codes."
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